WebCam Looker is a nice webcam surveillance tool for Windows. It is very customizable and it should help anyone who wants to set up a home surveillance system using webcams and a Windows computer. The application has motion-detection capabilities and tons of different customization options.
The first thing that I liked about this app is the wizard that welcomes you when you first run the application after installing it. This wizard quickly configures the application based on your answer to a simple question: "So, what do you wish?". Some of the options are motion detection with playing sound, motion detection with recording video, with recording photos, with sending e-mail, etc. Although the options could be better phrased, it is a great way of configuring the app.
So, basically, this application can carry out different actions when motion is detected. You can scan your whole webcam video feed for movement, or you can select an area, and only that area of the image will determine if an action is carried out. The available actions are: play sound, record video, record photos, send e-mail, send SMS, upload to FTP, capture screenshot, and publish images on a web server.
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